
Sunday, March 16, 2014

6 Months Old

(WRITTEN 2/2014 - posted late) Seriously, how does it all go by so fast?! I can't believe Leighland is half a year old! We love our little sweetie so much. She had her doctors appointment a couple days ago and despite a large blow out when we got to the room she did very well. She is evening out in weight and height and is now in the 75th percentile. This little girl has the biggest baby personality you could imagine. Her giggle is THE BEST and no one can get it as good or as loud as her daddy when he plays peek a boo or tickle monster with her. She is so extremely vocal. She makes a gurgling noise that sounds like a purring bird. It's so cute. She still growls as well. She started solids a couple days after turning 6 months. She has done awesome so far we are just giving her one meal in the evening for now but I will probably bump it up to 2 here soon. She started with sweet potatoes and so far those and avacado are her fave which is great because they also make her sleep the longest! She goes down for bed at about 7:15, sometimes it takes her a bit to fall asleep because she growls, and rolls and climbs around in her crib. In fact we had to buy emergency bumpers recently because she was rolling all over the place in there! She gets so hyper when she doesn't want to sleep, with her it is really the only thing that drives me a little crazy. She can take an hour to get down for a 30 minute nap. She's always been this way and the doc says it's most likely genetic....uh ya think?! Thanks for that Hunt! ;) anyway she still has a feed in the evening usually between 2-4 then she's up at 7:15.

Anything in her sight she will eat these days. She especially loves textured things like hair, fuzzy blankets, tags and she looooves anything with a string or tassel. One day I was on the phone by her and she ate my pj strings, every time I tried to move she cried so I ended up eating breakfast there just so she could chew on the tassels.

A giant snow storm recently hit us hard so we were cooped up for days. The weather has not been on our side so I haven't been able to go on walks with Leighland. I can't wait for spring so the weather is a little more cooperative. Overall though things around Arbville have been pretty spectacular. We are making some big life plans for this year and it gives me lots of motivation, inspiration and excitement! I really don't have a darn thing to complain about in life. It is just so wonderful. Oh and one thing I am super excited about is our mudroom being officially complete. I can't wait to share all of our apartment renovations with you. So that will get coming right up now that internet has returned out here at Suttle Lake!

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