
Thursday, October 24, 2013


Life lately has never been better since we had our little angel. Sure there have been tears both happy and sad, there have been very cranky, sleep deprived moments, there have been bruises (car seat carrying up a set of steep stairs with a rapid weight gaining baby, and running into walls at night from sleep deprivation) you know the usual. But most of all there has just been this indescribable, overwhelming love and joy. That little girl brings more happiness to this life than I ever thought possible. And speaking of life, funny how yours just seems to fly out the window and this little precious baby's life is suddenly a gabillion times more important than yours ever was.

Funny I was going to literally write about what we've been up to lately but I got carried away thinking about my daughter and she took the spotlight. I have a feeling that will be usual practice around here. She has already proven to be quite the drama queen. Since she was born, if she is hungry you would think it was life or death for her. Then she chugga lugs like she has never been fed. Cracks us up. Another frustrating.... I mean adorable thing she does lately is fight naps and when she fights them it will start with whining then she tries to make it all a game and will start smiling at you and talking. If she doesn't fall asleep then she gets ballistic and starts acting hyper crazy, kicking, turning her head all around while talking. She puts on quite the show and it's hard not to laugh sometimes. 

I have been reading to her after she wakes up in the morning. We have this book called Furry Friends with textures to feel, she actually looks at the pictures and takes her tiniest of hands and feels the animals textured bellies on her own! It's awesome and to me pretty impressive for a 2 month old. She also loves to listen to music while I sing along. She particularly likes the greats like Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson. I'm still training her to like Neyo and Miguel but she will get there.

My sister and I decided to run a 5k November 2nd. I've never done one but I knew about this one while I was pregnant and made it a goal to run it. It is pretty sad how out of shape I am. I used to not be so bad at running, and I'm working on it. But let's just say the accomplishment will be to show up to the race. I made it a goal for my next one to win some category though. I'm just competitive like that. So that means more runs outside with Leighland. She loves the outdoors and loves going for walks and runs. The weather here has been beautiful and the scenery is to die for. The leaves are already turning brown though which makes me a little sad. Fall is my absolute favorite and it just goes by too fast. 

So that is a mini update on life. There is so much more to share, and I plan on doing that but I couldn't write a book for this first real post. Thanks for reading. Please let me know if there are any specifics you are hoping to hear about or learn about. 

1 comment:

  1. So is most definitely like her mama! Can't wait to meet her and congrats on the 5K dedication!
